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Bloomberg Fellow
Yeng Houa Yang is a research program coordinator for the Center for Adolescent & Young Adult Health (CAYAH) at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore Maryland. Yeng focuses his efforts on the Early Intervention Services program, overseeing clinical HIV testing and linkage to care among Baltimore residents, examining navigational advocacy for HIV prevention medication, and developing education and awareness on sexual health care among sexual and gender diverse youth to support the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE). Concurrently, Yeng serves to understand methods for identifying, recruiting, and treating young sexual diverse men and transgender women vulnerable for HIV/STI through community outreach and collaboration, virtual sexual health navigation, and clinical research coordination within Johns Hopkins University.
The Center for Adolescent & Young Adult Health (CAYAH) at Johns Hopkins Harriet Lane Clinic provides primary and subspeciality care to patients ages 13-25 and health promotion through community outreach, health education, and research. CAYAH is committed to ensuring all youth in Baltimore have access to comprehensive, structurally and culturally competent, and age-appropriate sexual and reproductive healthcare services including HIV/STI testing, prevention and treatment. CAYAH’s commitment to reducing health disparities among youth is reflected in its continued multidisciplinary integrated clinical practice model including providers and staff with expertise in pediatrics, adolescent medicine, infectious disease, nursing, mental health, social work, health navigation, and case management.
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