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Bloomberg Fellow
Wadezah is a Site Administrator with the Montefiore School Health Program and has worked in various capacities over the last seven years. As a Community Health Organizer, she was responsible for piloting, growing, integrating and maintaining the population-based programs for students and families. Wadezah’s established programs focused on fitness and nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, and health and community advocacy. Wadezah currently oversees health center operations for three sites, the planning and opening of new school-based health centers, and the preparation of sites for national recognition of quality through adoption of the new NCQA School Based Medical Home standards.
The Montefiore School Health Program provides comprehensive care to more than 45,000 students in school-based health centers on 29 public school campuses. The program's mission, in collaboration with the Bronx Community, is to eliminate health disparities facing children in the Bronx by providing full access to high-quality, comprehensive primary and preventive health services, regardless of one's ability to pay.
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