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TyWanda is an Assistant Professor with Howard University Master of Public Health Program. She served as the faculty coordinator for the community-based practicum from 2005-2008. In addition to academic responsibilities, she maintains an active research portfolio. Trained in Clinical Psychology, TyWanda’s research focuses on socio-cultural and behavioral health factors among minority adolescents and emerging adults. TyWanda employs mixed-methodologies to conduct college health research in the areas of alcohol/substance use, sexual health, and sleep.
The Howard University Master of Public Health Program is a two-year interdisciplinary program. It is aimed at preparing its graduates to successfully navigate the intersections of research, practice, teaching, administration, and policy development, in order to address the current and evolving issues within public health. With an emphasis on eliminating health disparities, sexual health, violence, and cancer education/outreach programs are offered through community partnerships.
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