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Current Fellow
Stacia Friedman-Hill is a Program Director in the Division of Translational Research at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Stacia is responsible for the development and oversight of two research portfolios, one that is focused on mood lability and dysregulation in children and adolescents, and the other focused on early onset and risk for psychosis spectrum disorders. As a member of the Suicide Research Team, Stacia is one of the lead organizers of a series of roundtables on preteen suicide. Stacia serves as co-lead of the Mental Health Disparities Research Team and is a member of the trans-NIH Resilience Workgroup. Stacia has a doctorate in neuroscience and has taught courses in human neuroscience and developmental psychology at the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences and Montgomery College.
NIMH is the lead federal agency for research on mental disorders. NIMH is one of the 27 Institutes and Centers that make up the National Institutes of Health, the largest biomedical research agency in the world, and part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Through its extramural program, NIMH supports more than 3,000 research grants and contracts annually at universities, academic health centers, and other research institutions.
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