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Nargus Harounzadeh joined Correctional Health Services (CHS) in 2019, providing direct clinical care to patients on the Clinical Alternative to Punitive Segregation (CAPS) Units – areas dedicated to treating individuals with serious mental illness and a history of significant violence. In addition to her clinical responsibilities, Dr. Harounzadeh has developed several educational initiatives for staff and trainees including formal clinical rotations for doctoral nurse practitioner (DNP) students, and was named Director of DNP/NP Education. In 2020, Dr. Harounzadeh transitioned to CAPS Clinical Supervisor – where she develops interventions aimed at improving treatment and reducing violence risk on the CAPS units. She also leads a multidisciplinary clinical team, and liaises with the Department of Corrections to ensure strong partnerships for an informed anti-violence response.
In 2016, as a new division of NYC Health & Hospitals, New York City’s public health care organization, CHS became the direct provider of health care for the New York City jail system. Since the transition, CHS has leveraged the resources of the nation’s largest municipal public health care organization and changed the culture of service to individuals in the custody of the city. CHS has become one of the nation’s leading correctional health care systems in quality of and innovations to care and access from pre-arraignment through compassionate release, and are a pivotal partner in New York City’s criminal justice reform efforts, ranging from alternatives to incarceration to support of successful reentry into the community.
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