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Matthew joined the faculty at Cooper University Hospital in 2011 as an Assistant Professor in Emergency Medicine and Director of Medical Toxicology. He was the first faculty member recruited to provide expert addiction medicine care in the hospital system. Trained in medical toxicology and with expertise in overdose and withdrawal syndromes, Matthew has implemented best practices for alcohol withdrawal and, in partnership with the hospital's Urban Health Institute, started an outpatient clinic dedicated to providing evidence-based care for patients suffering with substance use disorders. He sees patients clinically and supervises medical students and resident physicians. In his role as Research Director of Addiction Medicine, he evaluates programs in the division of addiction medicine and implements and studies new projects that focus on patient-centered outcomes.
Cooper University Hospital is located in Camden, New Jersey; the city and county surrounding it have been hit hard by the overdose epidemic, reflected in the high number of patients coming to the hospital with substance use-related conditions. Further, as the tertiary care facility for the South Jersey region, the hospital receives patients who are critically ill as a direct result of their substance use disorder as transfers from other facilities throughout the region. The hospital has assembled a multi-disciplinary team to provide best-practice care to patients struggling with substance use disorders, both in the hospital and in the outpatient setting. Through a Center of Excellence grant from the state, Cooper’s Addiction Medicine team is providing x-waiver training throughout the region to expand access to providers who can prescribe buprenorphine.
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