Current Fellows
Environmental Challenges

Mara Moss

Bloomberg Fellow

Mara Moss currently holds the position of Strategy, Planning and Operations Associate at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) based in New York, New York, where her drive for environmental justice and climate solutions meets practical policy and advocacy solutions. At NRDC, Mara implements project management and operations systems that facilitate NRDC’s work. Mara comes to the Bloomberg Fellowship to build expertise in environmental health and aims to work on drinking water issues. Mara spearheads a food justice gardening project, The McCarren Demonstration Garden, in Brooklyn, New York. The garden grows fresh produce for donation to local community fridges, having provided 1500 pounds of food since 2022, and acts as a community hub for eco education and food justice. Mara sees the field of public health as a reflection of her ideals: to create more equitable, sustainable, and healthy communities. 

NRDC is a prominent environmental litigation, policy, and advocacy group that works to confront the climate crisis, protect the planet's wildlife and wild places, and to ensure the rights of all people to clean air, clean water, and healthy communities. NRDC’s national campaigns have had an enormous impact on the environmental protections the United States enjoys today. NRDC was instrumental in the creation of the Clean Water Act in 1972, successfully lobbied for the ban of chlorofluorocarbons in the 1980s, and more recently, helped craft the groundbreaking Inflation Reduction Act. 

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