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Current Fellow
Mae Hanzlik serves as the Program Manager at Smart Growth America. In this role, she provides technical assistance, conducts research, and organizes advocacy initiatives for the National Complete Streets Coalition, Transportation for America, and the Arts & Culture programs. Mae has authored various reports, including The State of Transportation and Health Equity and COVID-19 and the Curb, evaluated hundreds of Complete Streets policies, and managed the Smart Cities Collaborative and the Arts & Transportation Rapid Response programs. Her expertise and interests are focused on the built environment and creating a just transportation system that ensures people can safely and easily get to where they need to go—whether walking, rolling, bicycling, driving, or taking public transit.
Smart Growth America (SGA) is a nonprofit organization based in Washington D.C. that empowers communities around the country to revitalize and grow, while promoting healthier living and shared prosperity. SGA envisions a country where no matter where you live, you can enjoy living in a city, town, or neighborhood that is prosperous, equitable, healthy, and resilient.
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