Current Fellows

Madison LaCure

Bloomberg Fellow

Madison LaCure is the Prevention and Education Specialist at the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA) based in Silver Spring, Maryland. Since September 2021, she has led MCASA’s sexual violence prevention efforts and the coordination of two CDC-funded projects through the Rape Prevention and Education Program. This work focuses on promoting social norms change across Maryland and creating protective environments on college campuses. Madison connects with preventionists, educators, service providers, and community members to increase access to resources and develop innovative approaches to sexual violence prevention work. She is leading MCASA's new collaborative effort with rape crisis centers and culturally-specific service providers to expand our upstream prevention work with a health equity focus. Madison has a Bachelor of Arts in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and a Master of Public Administration from the University of Massachusetts Boston.  

MCASA is the federally-recognized state sexual assault coalition serving Maryland. MCASA’s mission is to help prevent sexual assault, advocate for accessible, compassionate care for survivors of sexual violence, and work to hold offenders accountable. MCASA's core members are the state's 17 rape crisis centers, and the Coalition also represents the voices of many other member professionals, programs, and individuals committed to ending sexual violence. MCASA includes the Sexual Assault Legal Institute (SALI), which provides direct legal services to survivors of all ages across the state of Maryland. MCASA is the leading public policy advocate for survivors of sexual assault to the Maryland General Assembly. 

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