
Loren Adams


Loren Adams is a research and evaluation analyst in the Bureau of Epidemiology Services at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH). Loren is interested in public health approaches to prevent gun injuries and deaths and structural racism and social determinants of health as root causes of violence. She serves on an internal work group focused on developing strategies to prevent and address gun violence in New York City.  

NYC DOHMH works every day to protect and promote the health of 8.5 million diverse New Yorkers. Established in 1805, the New York City Department of Health and Mental (NYC DOHMH) is the oldest and largest health department in the country. The NYC DOHMH's mission is to protect and improve the health of all New Yorkers, in service of a vision of a city in which all New Yorkers can realize their full health potential, regardless of who they are, how old they are, where they are from, or where they live. To support this mission, the Bureau of Epidemiology Services (BES) conducts systematic data collection and monitoring, rigorous analysis, and effective data communication. BES seeks to provide accurate and timely public health data to inform decision-making, to optimize data use, and to ensure accurate analysis of health data.

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