Adolescent Health

Logan Dennis


Logan is the Health Care Policy Research and Communications Associate with Idaho Voices for Children. He produces health care policy research on Medicaid expansion and other health policies, with an emphasis on strategic messaging to appeal to legislators and voters in Idaho. In this capacity, Logan helped build broad bipartisan coalitions to support health care policy change in Idaho. He developed media and public outreach strategies, wrote media releases, and built strategic relationships with journalists. Logan assisted in coordinating Close the Gap Idaho and Idahoans for Healthcare, which led the Medicaid expansion campaign in the 2018 election cycle, ending with 61% of the popular vote and 80% of Idaho counties voting in favor. He also coordinated legislative efforts to stop restrictions on Medicaid and developed messaging guides and strategic plans to persuade lawmakers and constituents to support funding for Medicaid expansion.

Idaho Voices for Children is one of the leading nonprofit organizations working to promote policy changes in Idaho to ensure that children and families thrive. The organization serves as a voice for children in policy making conversations and drives change in the areas of health, child safety and well-being, education, school readiness, and family economic security. Idaho Voices for Children produces research and works with community partners to identify strategies that best support kids and mobilizes allies from across the state to advocate for smart public policy solutions.

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