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I am currently Director of the Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research, a large interdisciplinary research unit that bridges the Schools of Medicine and Public Health at Hopkins. The mission of the Welch Center is to conduct interdisciplinary research of the highest quality and to train the next generation of clinical, epidemiologic, and translational researchers. As for my own research, I have conducted clinical research with a particular focus on preventing blood pressure-related cardiovascular and kidney diseases. I have three active lines of research: (1) controlled feeding studies, (2) behavioral intervention trials, that test novel strategies to accomplish lifestyle changes and (3) cohort studies and trials related to chronic kidney disease and its consequences. I have also been actively involved in evidence synthesis and policy-making related to lifestyle modification as a means to prevent and treat cardiovascular-renal diseases. Over the course of my career, I have continually mentored numerous students, fellows and junior faculty - I truly enjoy this aspect of my career.
Dr. Appel was the lead in research that concluded in the DASH diet (Dietary approaches to stop hypertension), which is a dietary pattern promoted by NIH.
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