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Bloomberg Fellow
LaTasha is the Senior Administrative Manager for the Division of Addiction Medicine in at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. In her role, she is responsible for inpatient and outpatient operations, financial reporting and budgeting, as well as marketing and strategic planning. LaTasha spearheads an initiative aimed to decrease readmissions rates on an 18-bed, detox unit by improving staff collaboration, patient transition planning workflows, and increasing linkage to care for discharged patients. LaTasha co-chairs the hospital-wide Health Equity Strategic Action Team and initiated a community asset mapping exercise to identify resources and partners that serve high-need patient populations. La Tasha is also a member of JHBMC’s Population Health Strategic Planning Committee, where she provides a public health perspective on clinically focused initiatives.
The Division of Comprehensive Care and Chemical Dependence at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center works to promote and improve the provision of medical care to patients with substance use disorders and co-morbid medical conditions through the creation and dissemination of knowledge; the development, maintenance and evaluation of innovative programs; and mentorship of clinicians in providing expert care to individuals with substance abuse disorder.
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