Addiction & Overdose

Kathryn Humphries

Bloomberg Fellow

Addiction & Overdose Steering Committee Member

Kat Humphries joined Vital Strategies in January of 2022. Kat serves as the Program Manager for their Overdose Prevention Program working with the state of North Carolina. In her role as Program Manager, Kat works closely with state governments, community members, and other stakeholders providing technical assistance and funding strategies to reduce the rate of preventable overdose. Kat has worked in drug policy reform and advocacy for over a decade. Before joining Vital Strategies, Kat worked for Colorado's largest syringe service program where she developed educational zines for people who inject drugs, tested over 2,500 participants for HIV and HCV, and managed one of the nation's largest fentanyl checking strip programs. Kat's passion is in expanding harm reduction services to be more inclusive of people who use stimulants. 

Vital Strategies helps governments strengthen their public health systems to contend with the most important and difficult health challenges. Vital Strategies brings the best of public health thinking to design solutions that can scale rapidly and improve the lives of millions of people. The Overdose Prevention initiative is helping ten states implement solutions over five years to strengthen and scale up evidence-based, data-driven interventions to reduce the risks associated with overdose and save lives. 

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