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Katherine is a Master Gardener Program Coordinator at the University of California (UC), based in the South Bay Area. UC Master Gardeners are highly trained volunteers who extend research-based information about home horticulture and pest management to the public statewide. They are front line detectors and information providers on critical issues related to home yards and landscapes. Practices such as invasive species management, fire and flood prevention, soil restoration, protection of native plants and beneficial insects, water conservation and green waste reduction are all passed on to county residents through UC Master Gardeners. In her role, Katherine manages the certification and continuing education of 300 Master Gardeners in the region. She oversees program administration, directs the development and dissemination of mission-driven public education projects, and leverages community partnerships to maximize program impacts.
The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) and Cooperative Extension (UCCE) system is a statewide network of researchers and educators dedicated to the development and application of knowledge to address local agricultural, environmental and health issues. Its mission is to engage UC with the people of California to achieve innovation in fundamental and applied research and education that supports: sustainable, safe, and nutritious food production and delivery; economic success in a global economy; a sustainable, healthy, and productive environment; science literacy and youth development programs. For over 100 years, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) has been delivering the power of UC research to Californians in their own communities to improve lives and livelihoods for all.
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