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Bloomberg Fellow
Jennifer Corser is an urgent care coordinator at the Calvert County Health Department in the Behavioral Health division in Prince Frederick, Maryland. Jennifer provides case management and recovery planning services to clients who have received services from Calvert Crisis Response. A significant proportion of these clients are among the youth population and present with various crises (e.g. victims of abuse, suicidal ideation and attempts, and self-harm). While serving their clients, Jennifer builds rapport to develop trust and create a non-judgmental working relationship with them and their support systems to ensure they adhere to treatment and follow through with resource recommendations. The continuum of care provided through the coordination and implementation of services from Jennifer’s role is essential to ensuring the health and safety of the clients and aims to prevent recurring crisis events.
The Calvert County Health Department in Frederick, Maryland, is a state-county government agency. The health department is devoted to addressing public health needs and maintaining public health safety for those who reside, work, and visit Calvert County. Calvert County Behavioral Health’s mission is to provide comprehensive, integrated behavioral health services that promote health, resilience, and quality of life to its community’s members. Calvert Crisis Response is a grant-funded program Calvert County Behavioral Health implemented in 2019. The program comprises a team of medical providers, nurses, therapists, dispatchers, urgent care coordinators, and peers. The team serves individuals throughout the community by providing mobilization and stabilization services for those who present with mental health and substance use crises.
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