Food Systems for Health

Jaclyn Bertoldo


Jaclyn is the Assistant Director of Food Choice Architecture with Stanford University Residential & Dining Enterprises.  Jaclyn works with food producers and manufacturers to develop new programs and culinary solutions to implement healthy and environmentally sustainable menu initiatives.  In partnerships with Menus of Change University Research Collaborative and World Resources Institutes Better Buying Lab, Jaclyn works to leverage behavioral insights and implementation science to inform business strategies, choice architecture, and organizational policy. Jaclyn is replicating her research at six university sites thorough the Menus of Change University Research Collaborative and has developed a toolkit of new labeling and marketing strategies to share throughout the foodservice sector.

Stanford University Residential & Dining Enterprises (R&DE) is the second largest auxiliary within Stanford University.  Its mission is to support the academic mission of the university by providing the highest quality services to students and members of the university community in a sustainable and fiscally responsible manner.

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