Addiction & Overdose

Hannah Johnson


Hannah is a Senior Policy Analyst and the Public Health Deputy Team Lead for the Heroin Response Strategy (HRS), where she is responsible for coordinating and tracking the efforts of HIDTA-funded Public Health Analysts across 22 states. The analysts are responsible for working within their states to identify key stakeholders, improve data collection and dissemination across agencies, and support evidence-based overdose prevention efforts. Hannah works to create systems and procedures for measuring progress on these projects, and to connect them to subject matter experts, funding opportunities, and relevant training.

Funded and led by 10 regional High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) programs and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Heroin Response Strategy (HRS) initiative exists at the intersection of city, state, and Federal government, with team members sitting at more than 30 agencies around the country. The HRS funds both a law enforcement officer and a public health practitioner in 22 states across the country.

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