Adolescent Health

Grace Ramsay


Grace’s work experience with Tapestry began when she was a Health Services Counselor, providing direct sexual/reproductive health education. She was promoted to the Health Services Manager of the Greenfield, MA, site in March 2018, where she assumed both supervisory and outreach responsibility of the clinic. As of September 2019, she is the Assistant Director of Clinical Services, supporting Health Services clinics in program development and implementation and building community partnerships, such as joining the Trans Health Coalition and becoming a Community Faculty member at the Baystate Medical School. Most recently, Grace led the initiative in introducing gender-affirming hormone care to Tapestry clinics.

Tapestry meets urgent community health needs in sexual and reproductive health, substance use, and childhood nutrition in Western Massachusetts. By combining compassionate health care with the most recent advances in medical practice, Tapestry ensures that people can get the care that they deserve, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or income. Founded in 1973, Tapestry serves over 17,000 residents at 12 locations across Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire counties in Massachusetts.

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