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Eli Pousson (he/him) is former Bloomberg Fellow in the Environmental Health focus area with a background in community planning, public health, and historic preservation. He originally completed his Bloomberg Fellowship with Baltimore Heritage, a citywide historic preservation advocacy organization. After completing the Masters of Public Health program in 2020, Eli worked as a planner with the Neighborhood Design Center and, in June 2022, joined the Baltimore City Department of Planning supporting the city's INSPIRE Program. Outside of work, Eli is a local historian, cargo bike riding family cyclist, city schools parent, and a Harwood neighborhood resident. He is often seen picking up litter and enthusiastically encouraging friends and neighbors to use 311.
The Department of Planning is the City agency entrusted with guiding the physical development of the City of Baltimore. The Department's mission is to build Baltimore as a diverse, sustainable and thriving city of neighborhoods and as the economic and cultural driver for the region. The Community Planning and Revitalization (CPR) Division includes District planners and planners working on special initiatives like the INSPIRE Program and Baltimore Green Network Plan. CPR staff work closely with other City agencies, private citizens, neighborhood and community based organizations, and nonprofits to ensure that sound planning principles are the basis for neighborhood planning efforts.
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