Adolescent Health

Elaina Tully


Elaina is the inaugural Medical Director of Philadelphia FIGHT’s Y-HEP (Youth Health Empowerment Project) Adolescent and Young Adult Health Center. In this role, she oversees clinical operations for the health center, providing ongoing supervision of medical staff and ensuring that medical care adheres to evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and aligns with requirements set forth by funders. Trained in internal medicine and pediatrics, Elaina works to ensure that patient protocols and procedures are youth-centered and address the specific and developmentally appropriate needs of an adolescent and young adult population. She provides guidance to Philadelphia FIGHT leadership regarding the strategic development and growth of the health center—advocating for youth voices, strengthening community partnerships and collaboration, and prioritizing the overall health and wellness of Philadelphia’s youth within the broader Community Health Center infrastructure.  

Philadelphia FIGHT was founded in 1990 as a comprehensive AIDS service organization dedicated to ending the AIDS epidemic. In 2013, it became a Federally Qualified Health Center, broadening its scope of clinical services to care for all individuals, regardless of HIV status. Philadelphia FIGHT’s Y-HEP Health Center grew out of a drop-in space for unstably housed youth, and now provides integrated primary care, mental health care, and sexual and reproductive health care to all youth ages 13 to 24. 

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