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Deirdre Clarke has worked in EPA’s Office of Atmospheric Programs (OAP) as a Program Analyst since September 2016. She supports the Office Director, Chief of Staff, senior managers, and staff in advancing the mission and goals of OAP, which are to improve air quality, address climate change, and restore the ozone layer. Deirdre provides advice and assistance to the Office Director and Chief of Staff on the management and implementation of key atmospheric program and policy issues. Deirdre ensures that analyses and policy development efforts are coordinated within OAP and other EPA program offices. She develops briefing materials, issue papers, analyses, and recommendations on the Office's programs to agency senior management.
The mission of the EPA is to protect human health and the environment by implementing polices and regulations aimed to safeguard the environmental health of spaces where Americans live, learn, and work. EPA’s Office of Atmospheric Programs (OAP) focuses on both mitigating domestic and international air pollution and improving air quality. OAP prevents air pollution by regulating emissions from industrial facilities across the country. OAP also oversees regulation of air pollution which crosses state lines. To better understand and mitigate the effects of climate change, OAP tracks domestic emissions of greenhouse gases.
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