Food Systems for Health

Danielle Nabak


Danielle Nabak is a Registered Dietitian working on policy and systems change to support health and equity in Milwaukee and Wisconsin’s community food systems. In her current role, she holds leadership and committee roles for advancing racial equity, health equity, and strategic planning efforts. As a board member at the Milwaukee Food Council, she's secured multi-year funding commitments and led the organization through strategic planning and staff acquisition. She's interested in utilizing systems change, collective action, and community partnerships to emphasize the connection between community health and all other variables, including education, place, economic development, public safety, and housing. Danielle’s primary geographic focus is Milwaukee, though she often contributes to state-wide efforts.

The University of Wisconsin-Extension leverages local investments, university research and a national network of Land Grant Institutions and federal partners. UW-Madison Extension connects communities to interdisciplinary research through programs that advance positive youth development, support agriculture and economic development, and promote health and well-being. UW-Madison Extension’s efforts in obesity and food systems are centered in our federally funded statewide FoodWIse program, which provides nutrition education, social marketing, and policy, systems and environmental change efforts.

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