
Christopher Carita


Christopher is a Detective with the Fort Lauderdale Police Department. He is currently assigned to the Threat Response Unit where he investigates threats of mass gun violence and other cases requiring the use of Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO). Utilizing his MPH training and his 17 years of Law Enforcement experience, Christopher designed, implemented, and delivered role-specific ERPO Training to road patrol, supervisors, and his fellow investigators. While continuing as an active-duty detective, Christopher now advises and consults on best practices in implementing ERPO and other Public Health approaches to reduce gun violence across the country.

The Fort Lauderdale Police Department serves the largest city in Broward County, Florida with over 180,000 full-time residents. The City of Fort Lauderdale is the county seat for Broward County. The Fort Lauderdale Police Department serves the over 16.8 million visitors that the area receives annually. As a mid-sized police department, with 500 sworn officers, the department undertakes the complicated job of serving an enormous and incredibly diverse population that is constantly in flux.

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