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Christian Curtis is an enrolled member of the Fort Peck Sioux and Assiniboine Tribes. She is employed through the tribes as a registered nurse, working for the Health Promotion Disease Prevention Program (HPDP). She works with all ages, but her primary focus of work involves promoting health and wellness to children and youth on the reservation. She works in a school-based health clinic, working with pediatricians utilizing telemedicine. Through the telemedicine program she is able to work with schools and families in creating individualized care plans for students. Christian also has a passion for teaching and works in the school to teach Certified Nursing Assistant, CPR/AED/First Aid, and Babysitting and Child Care courses. Here job duties vary day-to-day, but the goal is to provide better access to healthcare and encourage the children and youth through various programs or job opportunities.
The Fort Peck Tribes Health Promotion Disease Prevention Program (HPDP) offers various health related services, focusing on preventative healthcare. The goal of HPDP is to provide quality healthcare that is easily accessible to all community members living on the Fort Peck reservation. HPDP has school-based health clinics located in each school on the reservation, staffed with medical, dental, nutrition, and mental health providers. The HPDP program also has the Tribal Health Improvement Program that work with Montana Medicaid to improve the overall health through health coaching and care coordination. The other services provided by HPDP are the telemedicine program, mobile dental unit, greenhouse project, summer food program, and the Thundering Buffalo Wellness Center. Each of these programs provides a different avenue to access quality healthcare with the goal of improving individual and community health.
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