Current Fellows
Food Systems for Health

Chloe Green

Current Fellow

Chloe Green is the Policy Associate of Food and Nutrition Services at the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA), where she leads the nutrition support portfolio. In this role, Chloe supports and analyzes Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and nutrition policy by building strategic partnerships, managing research and demonstration projects to distill nutrition policy recommendations, and facilitating peer exchange and the advancement of federal policy recommendations on behalf of state SNAP administrators. Chloe first began at APHSA as a Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellow in early 2020, and continues to support state SNAP administrators in uplifting lessons learned during the pandemic and utilizing insights to increase access to nutrition support programs for families and communities. Chloe also plays an integral role on APHSA’s race equity team. 

The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) is a bipartisan national membership association representing state and local health and human services agencies and the subject matter experts that help execute their mission to improve outcomes for people nationwide. Building on their long-standing relationships with health and human services leaders, APHSA focuses on generating pragmatic solutions that advance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. 

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