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Bloomberg Fellow
As the Program Evaluation Manager for La Clinica del Pueblo (La Clinica), Angela has led various multi-year program evaluations and currently leads La Clínica's evaluation’s efforts as a grantee for Maryland's CHRC Pathways for Health Equity Initiative, which focuses on addressing health disparities in Diabetes Care in the Latino community. Angela is responsible for collecting and analyzing data, interpreting results, and using findings to generate recommendations for program improvements. Additionally, Angela monitors wrap-around support services and community outreach for patients with diabetes and design plans to extract encounters, touchpoints, biomarkers, and qualitative data from clients' electronic medical records. Finally, Angela also leads community assessment analysis that informs and guides La Clinica’s advocacy work for health insurance reforms and safety-net programs for the uninsured.
La Clínica del Pueblo is a nonprofit, community-based organization and federally qualified health center committed to delivering high-quality, culturally, and linguistically appropriate health services and education to the low-income Latino/a/x immigrant community. Our holistic approach allows patients a seamless continuum of care within our practice while also reducing barriers and improving health outcomes in the broader community through outreach and education.
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