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Bloomberg Fellow
Ana Geltman is an analyst at JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) based in Boston, Massachusetts, where she provides expertise in project management, training, and technical assistance on projects related to harm reduction, HIV, substance use, and maternal and child health. In this capacity, Ana is able to blend her interest in harm reduction, systems thinking, and the drivers of health disparities with her attention to detail and interpersonal skills. She also conducts qualitative data collection tasks including creating data collection protocols, developing interview and focus group guides, conducting interviews and facilitating focus groups, analyzing data, and writing reports. Over her four-and-a years at JSI, Ana has worked on a variety of federal and state initiatives related to harm reduction and substance use including a special project of national significance: Strengthening Systems of Care for People with HIV and Opioid Use Disorder and the Massachusetts Harm Reduction and Community Outreach project.
JSI is a global nonprofit dedicated to improving lives around the world through greater health, education, and socio-economic equity for individuals and communities. As a global leader and innovator, JSI’s work spans the public health spectrum across sectors to address the social determinants underlying many health outcomes. JSI works in 34 countries and has offices in eight states. We address complex public health problems in pursuit of health and equity. We work in partnership with government agencies, national and state-level organizations, health foundations, and community-based providers. Our services include policy development, applied research and evaluation, strategic planning, and training and technical assistance. We collaborate with partners to strengthen publicly-funded health systems, improve health, and advance health equity.
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