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Bloomberg Fellow
As a farmer, Amy Mullan began attending Future Harvest programs in 2015. Today, Amy serves as the Development Manager for Future Harvest. In this role, Amy is responsible for refining and implementing the annual and four-year development plans, advancing organizational racial equity goals through development initiatives, recruiting farmer members, and writing impact reports. Amy also collaborates with other departments to coordinate Future Harvest’s annual conference, a gathering of the Chesapeake region’s farmers for 40+ workshop sessions, farmer-to-farmer roundtables, and clinics organized into six tracks: Beginning Farming, Crop Production, Regenerative Agriculture, Grassfed Meat & Dairy, Business of Farming, and Environment, Community, & Policy.
Future Harvest is a nonprofit organization with a mission to advance agriculture that sustains farmers, communities, and the environment. Our work - training farmers in practices that are profitable, protect our land and water, and provide healthy food for our communities - benefits the earth, people, and our local economy. We are helping ensure a steady supply of fresh food for the Chesapeake region's people, and support the development of the next generation of environmentally conscious, regenerative farmers. At Future Harvest, we recognize that in order to transform our foodshed into a more sustainable, resilient, robust, and equitable system, we cannot have a singular focus, but rather an ecosystem of programs and services working together. As a result, Future Harvest has intentionally incubated, cultivated and grown our flagship programs in four priority areas - education, community, advocacy, and on-farm research.
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