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Bloomberg Fellow
Amy Lund Stone is a registered nurse and project manager at CA Bridge in Oakland, California. Amy has been instrumental in expanding medication for addiction treatment (MAT) within emergency departments and playing a pivotal role in scaling the CA Bridge model from 50 California hospitals to 276 over the course of five years. Leveraging her nursing expertise, she supports hospital teams in overcoming obstacles to implementing 24/7 low-barrier treatment access. Amy actively champions the advancement of nursing's role, spearheading tailored educational initiatives that recognize nurses' vital contributions to the successful implementation of MAT programs. She was drawn to join CA Bridge's mission, as their addiction medicine work aligns with her belief in making health and wellness accessible to all.
CA Bridge, launched in 2018, is dedicated to saving lives by ensuring people who use drugs have 24/7 access to medication for addiction treatment (MAT) through every emergency department in the state. As a program of the Public Health Institute (PHI), a non-profit organization, CA Bridge benefits from over 50 years of PHI's commitment to advancing health equity globally. CA Bridge has been at the forefront of expanding MAT in emergency departments, scaling up to 83% of California’s 331 emergency departments in just five years. This rapid practice transformation is made possible through a combination of factors, including grant funding to hospitals, extensive protocol and tool development, training for both clinicians and navigators, coaching from clinical experts, and research and evaluation.
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