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Amy Krzyzek is Program Development Manager at Partnership Health Center (PHC) in Missoula, Montana. Amy is a member of the Innovations Team, which works on population health and health equity initiatives focused on improving the overall health and well-being of patients, especially those who are historically underserved. Amy’s primary area of focus is child and adolescent health, and her work involves: setting strategic priorities in partnership with executive leadership, care teams, and community members; bringing child and adolescent health projects to funding readiness; preparing grant applications; and overseeing program implementation. She has been involved in expanding school-based health services, supporting implementation of a foster care clinic, and starting an on-site early learning center. Amy also co-leads PHC’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion work and is passionate about creating a relational and inclusive organizational culture where patients are active partners in their own care and collaborators in systems change efforts.
Partnership Health Center (PHC) is a federally-funded Community Health Center that provides medical, dental, behavioral health, pharmacy, and supportive services across 7 sites in Western Montana. PHC employs 250+ staff and serves 16,000+ unique patients annually. In addition to providing health care services, PHC is known for its innovative, population-level work that attends to the root causes of health inequities and addresses upstream issues to impact future community health outcomes.
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