Adolescent Health

Alyssa Liehr


Alyssa Liehr is a Senior Research Analyst at Child Trends in the child welfare research area. Her work primarily focuses on the experiences of older youth in foster care, federal child maltreatment prevention efforts, youth engagement, and quantitative analysis. In her role, she conducts qualitative and quantitative analyses, manages databases, provides evaluation technical assistance, and oversees youth engagement on a large evaluation project. Her interests also include systems reform, racial disparities in the child welfare system, and lived expertise in research. Alyssa is passionate about using data to inform policy that will facilitate a more equitable and trauma-informed child welfare system.

Child Trends is a leading nonpartisan research organization focused exclusively on improving the lives and prospects of children, youth, and their families. Child Trends also believes that programs and policies that serve children are most effective when they are informed by data and evidence and grounded in deep knowledge of child and youth development. Decision makers have relied on Child Trends’ rigorous research, unbiased analyses, and clear communication to improve public policies and interventions that serve children and families for nearly forty years. By conducting independent research and partnering with practitioners and policymakers to apply that knowledge, Child Trends works to ensure that all kids thrive.

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