Current Fellows
Adolescent Health

Alexis Wojtowicz

Bloomberg Fellow

Alexis Wojtowicz is a Research Associate at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, where she works with experts to convene workshops and develop consensus reports regarding population health and public health practice, particularly addressing risks to adolescent health. Alexis has conducted research for several projects on topics including examining the health effects of youth incarceration; preventing firearm injuries and death among children and adolescents; developing health literacy skills in youth; and evaluating promising models of interventions to promote health equity in prenatal-through-early childhood periods.

The National Academies serves as the nation’s voice of scientific authority on all issues of science and medicine, and has for more than 150 years. The National Academies' Health and Medicine Division, formerly the Institute of Medicine (IOM), aims to improve government decision-making and public policy by providing evidence and facilitating critical, cross-disciplinary activities, ultimately advancing the nation’s health. Several of the IOM’s earliest consensus reports address adolescent health risks, highlighting the urgency for more research on adolescent maternal mortality and recommending the expansion of housing programs to support adolescents experiencing homelessness.

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