
Bloomberg American Health Initiative: 2018 Highlights

January 3, 2019

Last year was busy — and impactful for the Bloomberg American Health Initiative.  With the help of faculty, fellows, collaborative community partnerships, and leading experts in public health, we were able to continue to dig deeper into seeking solutions for major health challenges.  Read about some of our highlights!

Additional highlights from 2018:


In November, a supplement to Public Health Reports, the scholarly journal of the U.S. Surgeon General, was released that includes a series of special articles by Initiative faculty addressing five of the most complex and urgent health challenges facing the United States: addiction and overdose, violence, obesity and the food system, environmental challenges, and risks to adolescent health.  The supplement also features papers that address the cross-cutting themes of equity, policy, and evidence.   Download the report, listen to the podcast, and take a look at the webinar.


On November 29 and 30, 2018, the Bloomberg American Health Initiative and Bloomberg Philanthropies convened the inaugural Bloomberg American Health Summit in Washington D.C.  The Summit brought together innovators, experts, practitioners and policymakers from around the country, to focus on solutions to tackle some of the toughest challenges facing health in the United States.  During his remarks at the Summit,  Michael Bloomberg announced a $50 million

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