Current Fellows
Food Systems for Health

MatheRose Bodden

Bloomberg Fellow

Mattie serves as a Research and Data Associate focusing on population health at the Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention (CDIP) of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. In her current role, Mattie examines chronic disease risk factors such as obesity as well as downstream complications to identify populations most impacted and consider how socio-structural factors play a role. She also works with a team to redefine how food access is defined and measured in Philadelphia. Mattie co-leads CDIP’s health equity guidance subcommittee and her interests include advocating for justice-driven public health research and policy with high quality population health data and reporting.

The Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention (CDIP) of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) takes a policy, systems, and environmental approach to tackle the underlying risk factors driving the epidemic of chronic disease and injuries in the city. CDIP supports data-driven programs and policies that prevent and delay chronic disease, reduce gun violence and other types of injury, promote wellness in children and adults, and provide sustainable health change in communities.

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